
ハワイシニアライフ協会による 新しい東北支援プログラム 「ハワイー東北レインボープロジェクト」スタートのお知らせ

2016年4月11日/カテゴリー: お知らせ








会長 坂井諒三


NPO ハワイシニアライフ協会ナデシコクラブ
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone : (808) 227-1321



Hawaii-Tohoku Rainbow Project Launches for

Continued Support for Tohoku Children

Hawaii Senior Life Enrichment Association (HISLEA) will launch “Hawaii-Tohoku Rainbow Project”. A new project to support Tohoku children upon completion of 10th tour titled “Rainbow for Japan Kids (RFJK)” this Summer.

The new project will take over the mission of “Rainbow for Japan Kids” and is sponsored by the same organization (HISLEA/Nadeshiko Club, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization).

One of the founders of RFJK, Ryoichi Okubo, HISLEA Board of Director in charge of philanthropy, will oversee the program with Nadeshiko Club. “This educational program will continue to be focused on friendship and cultural exchange between Tohoku and Hawaii with Aloha spirit,” said Okubo.

Nedeshiko Club was established as a philanthropy division of HISLEA in 2011, and has been supporting Tohoku people and children since then. Hiromi Okada, Chair of Nadeshiko Club said, “We have learned a lot through RFJK project and other activities, and are confident to operate the new project with more flexibility according to the rapidly changing needs of Tohoku children as well as the community.”

We will be appreciative if you could give us the same kindness and support to our new “Hawaii-Tohoku Rainbow Project.”

Warmest Aloha,

Ryozo Sakai
Chairman and President
Hawaii Senior Life Enrichment Association

Hiromi Okada
Chair, Nadeshiko Club
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone : (808) 227-1321

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